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Overcoming Fear of Failure

Are you living your dream life?
Are you performing to your true potential?​
Do you have goals, desires, dreams and aspirations that have not yet seen the light of day?​

What is stopping you?​

It is fear! And it sucks, because fear actually keeps you unfulfilled, chained to an illusion of safety.

FEAR OF FAILURE is the product of our amygdala or the “lizard brain”. This inner lizard is behind many challenges you face in life – be it in your career, business, relationships, art or sports performance.

It’s one of the main enemies to living a fulfilling life. It’s a problem many people face, yet few are fully aware of.

And yet, until you overcome this internal obstacle, all your efforts will be like accelerating hard in a car that has its handbrake pulled up!

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If we can just accept and OWN the fact that we are afraid… then the real transformation is possible.


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