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Deep Sleep Meditation

Deep Sleep is an essential element for our physical health, performance, and psychological well-being. Having enough of it makes everything else easier in life; lacking quality sleep makes everything else more difficult.

Nowadays most of us don’t get enough sleep every night—or if we do, it is shallow and restless, so we wake up still tired. Is this a problem for you too?

With less than enough sleep, the quality of our day, decisions, relationships, and well-being all suffer. It is one problem, but it has many consequences in different areas of our life.

You are not alone in this. It’s estimated that around 30% of of the population suffers from some type of insomnia or sleep deprivation. And insomnia doesn’t mean only our inability to fall asleep—it includes difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. All of this contributes to poor quality rest, and all the bad things that come from it.

Many of us are thus living at a sub-optimal level. Like a mobile phone constantly in the red, in desperate need of a full recharge.

No wonder it can feel like we are dragging ourselves through the morning, relying on coffee to function well, and feeling irritable for no apparent reason!



The biggest enemy of deep sleep is not an old mattress nor a heavy meal at night—it is anxiety, stress and worry. And, for that, meditation is key.


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